

Suggested Guidelines to Practice Ashtanga Yoga
ॐ follow all Covid-19 protocols. For more information click here
ॐ Trust The Practice
ॐ Trust your teacher to know when it is appropriate to stop, add or move on
ॐ Leave expectations outside with your shoes
ॐ Make sure your mat, person and surroundings are clean (keep the surrounding area of your mat dry)
ॐ Observe no practice on full/new moons and 1 weekend day
ॐ Observe no Practice during Lady’s Holidays (First 3 Days)
ॐ Practice all other days to the best of your ability
ॐ Drink plenty of water before and after, not during
ॐ Keep the practice as traditional as possible
ॐ Consider learning each posture by its Sanskrit name and the Sanskrit count of each breath
ॐ Communicate with your teacher. Clarify injuries, discomfort in adjustments or extra needed assistance
ॐ Avoid unnecessary talking while practicing, asking the teacher questions pertaining to your immediate needs however is encouraged.
ॐ Please be considerate of everyone in the room and take all conversations of any kind outside
ॐ Avoid research poses during practice, stretches prior to practice are fine
ॐ Avoid gum chewing during practice
ॐ Avoid the use of strong fragrances during practice
ॐ Avoid anything that can affect your ability to breathe steadily in and out through the nose uninterrupted
ॐ Leave any practice sheets at home
ॐ Make sure you leave plenty of time for finishing postures and to take rest
ॐ If you are not feeling well, better to not come to class and consider home practice, modifying or resting
ॐ This is a breathing exercise and an energetic practice, learning the correct vinyasa IS the practice!
ॐ Silence electronic devices, mindful to not distract others by checking phone or texting. If you must use the phone take it outside immediately. Please do not walk into class or be in class engaging with the phone in any way.
ॐ Stay on your mat, take care of business before practice and keep whatever you will need close by
ॐ Experience practice overall as your teacher, treating yourself in the process with kindness and compassion
ॐ Please be respectful of your practice and that of others by refraining from comments, suggestions or observations until you are finished and are clear that whomever you are addressing has also completed their practice.

ॐ Trust The Practice
ॐ Trust your teacher to know when it is appropriate to stop, add or move on
ॐ Leave expectations outside with your shoes
ॐ Make sure your mat, person and surroundings are clean (keep the surrounding area of your mat dry)
ॐ Observe no practice on full/new moons and 1 weekend day
ॐ Observe no Practice during Lady’s Holidays (First 3 Days)
ॐ Practice all other days to the best of your ability
ॐ Drink plenty of water before and after, not during
ॐ Consider minimizing or eliminating completely the use of props, keep the practice as traditional as possible
ॐ Consider learning each posture by its Sanskrit name and the Sanskrit count of each breath
ॐ Communicate with your teacher. Clarify injuries, discomfort in adjustments or extra needed assistance
ॐ Avoid unnecessary talking while practicing, asking questions pertaining to your immediate needs encouraged
ॐ Avoid research poses during practice, stretching prior to practice are fine
ॐ Avoid gum chewing during practice
ॐ Avoid the use of strong fragrances during practice
ॐ Avoid anything that can affect your ability to breathe steadily in and out through the nose uninterrupted
ॐ Leave any practice sheets at home
ॐ Make sure you leave plenty of time for finishing postures and to take rest
ॐ If you are not feeling well, better to not come to class and consider home practice, modifying or resting
ॐ This is a breathing exercise and an energetic practice, learning the correct vinyasa IS the practice!
ॐ Silence electronic devices, mindful to not distract others by checking phone or texting
ॐ Stay on your mat, take care of business before practice and keep whatever you will need close by
ॐ Experience practice overall as your teacher, treating yourself in the process with kindness and compassion